


I love to hike while taking pictures with the camera. Also, I like to make beautiful panoramas and to make the available for anyone.

The main location where I put the pictures is Panoramio where I uploaded thousands of pictures from which about 500 are panoramas. Most pictures available there are enfused from several exposures and all panoramas are stitched using Hugin.

Here are some panoramas I made:

Optical illussions

I generated some interesting anomalous motion illusions. Click on the images below to see the examples:



The first image was used on the cover of "Wahrnehmungspsychologie: Der Grundkurs (German Edition)" by E. Bruce Goldstein.

An article about a anomalous illusion I generated is available at io9 website.

I also wrote a tutorial (available at wikihow) for creating similar apparently moving images. For this tutorial there is a video and a image which represents the steps to create the illussion (see below):


I am interested also in cubing, exploring different kinds of twisty puzzles, solving (but not necessary speed-cubing) and collecting them.

Below there are some images with a part of my collection: